$$ Sunbridge Affiliate Program $$

Would you like to supplement your income?
Could you use another $300-500 or more per month?

 Sunbridge Management Institute offers you the chance
to become an affiliate as an
 Independent Education Consultant (IEC)
and to earn income two ways.

As an IEC, you can earn money by telling people
about our courses and by getting others to do the same.

The Opportunity

1. As an affiliate, you earn 10% of the course fee everytime you recommend our course to someone and they enroll.

2. You may appoint other people as affiliate IECs.  Every time they recommend someone who enrolls, they earn 10% - and you earn 5%!

3. Your appointees may offer others the opportunity to others as well.  You earn 5% everytime someone registers for a Sunbridge course through an affiliate in your 'downline' - as far as five levels (you are the first level).

How does it work?

Tuition for a Sunbridge course is currently $275.

Month 1:  Let us say that you enroll two people named John and Mary in this course and you also offer them the opportunity to become affiliate IECs.  You would earn $55 ($275 x 10% x 2 courses =  $27.50 x 2 =$55).

Month 2:  Two more people register for courses through you. John and Mary each sell two courses and appoint two affiliate IECs each. You earn $55 for the people you enroll and 4 x $13.75= $55 (Mary's 2 enrollees + John's 2 enrollees).So, you earn $110. They also earn.

Month 3:  Two people register for courses through you.  John and Mary each enroll two people, and each of their 2 IECs sell two courses. You earn $55 + $13.75 x 8 = $165.

Months 4 and 5: Follow the same pattern for two more months and then look at the chart linked below. You will see how much potential there is to add to your income.

Please remember that this is just an illustration to show what you would earn if everyone sold two courses and appointed two affiliate IECs.  In reality, some people won't enroll anyone in our courses, others could be gung-ho and enroll a lot of people.  For example, you or one of your affiliate IECs may find a company interested in enrolling a number of its managers in one of our management courses.  Didn't know we also offer management courses? Check out the "Link to Management Courses' in the table below! Some people will appoint affiliate IECs, others will not.  How much money you make will fluctuate accordingly.

At this point several questions have probably come to mind! Click the Questions People Ask link in the directory for the answers!

You can sign on  immediately as an affiliate IEC. It's free!
You don't have to take a course to join the affiliates program!
You are never under any obligation to recommend our courses.
Click here to read the: Affiliate Agreement.

To join, print off a copy, fill it in and mail or fax it to us

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